Friday, June 15, 2012

Lama Sudah..
It feels awhile since I last vacuum and mop the floor.. Lately I'm cope up with searching a rental house around Klang and tenant for my house that 24 hours a day goes by so fast..    

Before lil' Auni can walk I usually mop the house everyday so  that the floor will not be dusty when she's crawling around. After awhile it turns down to 3 to 4 times a week and now.. once a week aje.. adoi..

Mana tak nye.. Baru kuarkan vacuum, Auni dah start nangis.. Anak mama sorang ni takut dengan bunyi vaccum pulak :p Luckily she didn't crr for long.. Like today I manage to vacuum and mop successfully while Auni patiently wait for me to finish the chores (nangis tetap nangis bila nampak vacuum tapi yang penting she'd being patience kan).. Good girl anak mama :)

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