Friday, June 1, 2012

Word search...
I still have one thick book of word search not yet done.. I used to do word search everyday during my pregnancy phase.. Its one way to fill my leisure time alone at home.. 

Now, I'll do it once awhile when I have the time.. Its a bit hard to concentrate when ci Auni also have the 'initiative' to solve the word search for me kan.. mula2 tengok then the book has been 'invade' totally by her.. tak mau share lak tue :p   

Here's a few for you guys to try out... Enjoy!!


  1. hye safiya, i drop by komen kat sini ye, anak u berat berapa...kalo anak i untuil 2 years boley pakai...

  2. boleh2.. my baby 10kg je.. tak brp tinggi pun...
