What are the 5 things need to be remembered? Healthy before sick, young before old, rich before poor, ease/free/leisure before difficult/needy/busy and alive before death..
Sometimes we tends to forget that we are blessed with good health until we fall sick. Take good care of our health and also 'bersyukur' even if we fall sick. sakitkan penghapus dosa2 kecil...
Some people like to say 'tunggula dulu. masih muda lagi' when others are giving advice. Satu lagi 'xpela muda lagi'.. Takkan tunggu tua baru nak berubah. What happen if our soul is taken away when we are young.. Rugi.. rugi.. rugi...
When you have extra money, lets not forget the needy. tak kurang pun duit jika kita menderma or bersedekah..
Everyone thats alive will surely feel death.. So let us (peringatan untuk saya jua) be thankful with what we have and grab the 5 things before the other 5 comes..
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