Back in my school days I used to have this Where's Wally book. All the pages is to find this guy name Wally..

Yup.. Searching for this red and white stripe jumper guy in the crowd can be quite hard and challenging ( masa tue time skola so trasa challenging ye) .. Come and try out a few that I google through. Enjoy!!
P/s: mata tue kasi buka besaq2 sikit ye baru nampak mamat belang ni :p

That will be enough.. kang kasi banyak naik juling lak korang.. hehe.. I post the whereabout of Wally later. By the way, I'm also searching for him :p
setiap tu ade 1 je kan? da jumpe..
ReplyDeletea ah satu je... sbb dia takde kembar :p
Deletejumpe dh! hihihihi....miss my childhood life!
ReplyDeletewhere's my wally book anyway? hmmm.....kne cr ni.
alamak.. tak tau la kt malaysia ada ke tak.. huhuu..
Deletesenang je dah jumpe.. hehe
ReplyDeletekaklong dh post jawapan pun.. hohoo